Gertruda Gruber Göpfertová / Winter Piano

“My region is etched into me,” says the poet, and we, inquiring after her sources of inspiration, the way they did for the poetry of Jan Čep – who introduced the young Gertruda Göpfertová to the literary world – we hit upon one of them. In her landscape painting, a component of which is her region and a sense of perpetual provinciality, she meets “old acquaintances / greets me and calls / after a herd of daisies / with a shepherd, a thistle, / a snowberry on the edge,” there, too, “the birds beseech the spring.”
From an afterward by Zdeněk Rotrekl

A selection from two dozen poems and linocuts from the collection Winter Piano, first published by Atlantis, Brno 2003, 216 pp., ISBN 80-7108-222-8.
(available only in Czech language) 



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