Bruno Corà about Jan Jedlička (EN)
The Italian art critic, curator of exhibitions of famous artists such as Yves Klein, Lucio Fontatna and Alberto Burri talks about the artist Jan Jedlička.
colour video, 20 min
directed and edited by: Petr Záruba
production: Alice Tabery
made by: Cinepoint, s.r.o., Praha
- Basilika
- Air
- Air (znělka)
- Jan Jedlička 16 pokusů o dialog
- Bruno Corà about Jan Jedlička (EN)
- Bruno Corà o Janu Jedličkovi (CZ)
- Le Cuoche / Jan Jedlička
- Echo Vocis Imago
- Pigmenty, mezzotinty a fotografie
- Interno